GBK - Guojia Biaozhun Kuozhan
GBK stands for Guojia Biaozhun Kuozhan
Here you will find, what does GBK stand for in Misc under Misc category.
Popular queries with answer
How to abbreviate Guojia Biaozhun Kuozhan? Guojia Biaozhun Kuozhan can be abbreviated as GBK What does GBK stand for? GBK stands for Guojia Biaozhun Kuozhan. What does Guojia Biaozhun Kuozhan mean?Guojia Biaozhun Kuozhan is an expansion of GBK
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Alternative definitions of GBK
- George B Kaiser
- Gbangbatok airport
- Gourmet Burger Kitchen
- The Game for Big Kids
- Gbangbatok, Sierra Leone
- George B. Kaiser, Chairman of BOK Financial Corporation
- Great Big Kids
View 8 other definitions of GBK on the main acronym page
Nearby abbreviations with meaning
- GB2 GameBreaker 2
- GBA Game Boy Advanced
- GBAA Georgia Business Aviation Association
- GBAAS Global Boiler Aalborg A/S
- GBAB Guggenheim Build America Bonds Managed Duration Trust
- GBABL GBA Builders LLC
- GBAC Gulf Breeze Area Chamber
- GBACC Green Bay Area Chamber of Commerce
- GBACES Green Bay Area Catholic Education System
- GBACL Great Banyan Art Company Ltd.
- GBAD Ground Based Air Defence
- GBAD-BriC Ground Based Air Defence Bridging Capability
- GBADPM GBA Development and Project Management
- GBAE GB Auto Electrics
- GBAFS GBA Flare Systems
- GBAG The Great Britains Automotive Group
- GBAHB Greater Birmingham Association of Home Builders
- GBAL GB Automotive Ltd
- GBALCPA GBA LLP Chartered Professional Accountants
- GBAMS GBA Master Series